
How to play blackjack casino

  • Author of article: vitalij
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  • 9 min.

Blackjack is a card game that is popular in all the casinos of the world. This trend is quite understandable. Blackjack is extremely exciting and allows you to pick a large score. First, you need to know how to play blackjack at a casino. Then you will quickly master this entertainment and will often win victories in card games.

How to play blackjack casino: scoring points

The goal of the Blackjack game is to score 21 points. The victory will also be counted if you score less than this amount. However, in this case, the dealer's hand should be weaker than yours. If from the first hand one of the rivals has an ace and a dozen, he is immediately declared the winner. After all, this combination is the strongest and it is called blackjack.

To find the answer to the question how to play blackjack in a casino, it is very important for the player to know how many points each card brings. Then you will be very easy to assess your hand, the strength of opponents and make up the further tactics of the game. But first of all, it should be remembered that the Blackjack does not take into account the colors of the cards, only their dignity is important. According to it awarded points:

  • Cards from 2 to 10 - points are assigned taking into account their nominal value;
  • Jack, queen, king - 10 points each;
  • Ace - 1 or 11 points (a similar nuance in the calculation is very important to know before trying to figure out how to play casino blackjack. The rules of the game make it possible to use this card to defeat your opponent in a number of cases).

How to play blackjack at casino: number of players and bets

The number of players in Blackjack is limited only by the number of boxes (betting fields), which depends on the type of game. There are 7 of them in the traditional version. So, you can make the same number of bets, if you play alone online. The main thing is that their total amount does not exceed the limit on bets in your chosen casino. The game for each involved boxing goes in turn, which does not allow you to get confused.

How to play blackjack at the casino: the game process

When bets are placed, the cards are automatically mixed. After that their distribution takes place. In the usual blackjack version, two cards are issued for each box. The dealer receives them in the same amount. In this case, the player can see one of his cards. Due to which you can assess your strength, although not in full. Then you can do the following:

  1. Double - increase the amount set twice. After that, the player gets another card.
  2. Triple - make an extra bet after the double, which should be equal to the original one. Due to this player has the opportunity to get an additional card. Before playing blackjack, make sure that in the selected online casino Triple move is not canceled. Some gambling houses deliberately remove it to reduce the chances of a gambler to win.
  3. Surrender - the end of the game with the loss of half of the bet. However, this move will be impossible if the dealer has an ace.
  4. Insurance - purchase of insurance. Such a move is possible when the dealer caught an ace. Thus, the player is insured against blackjack by the dealer. The amount of insurance is half of the original rate. It brings a 2:1 win if the dealer still has the strongest combination.

Now you know more about how to play blackjack in casino, but let's move on.

You should be aware that you have the right to refuse the cards. Often the player in his hands has from 18 to 20 points, which makes the move double inappropriate, as it can lead to a bust. And here it is important to have an idea of what 22 blackjack means. This is nothing but a player's defeat. According to the rules of this game, if you have more than 21 points, then it immediately counts as a loss.

What is a blackjack hit? This means that you want to take an extra card. This term is used when playing with a live dealer. You should also find out what 21+3 blackjack is right away. This is a side bet. It is only allowed in the classic European blackjack 21+3 and gives the opportunity to bet that you will have a poker combination in your hand. It will be paid according to the rules of three-card poker.

Now let's move on to the coefficients. They are always available in the payout table. According to it, the blackjack combination is paid at a rate of 3:2. Otherwise, the player gets a 1:1 win.

How to play blackjack casino: where to get skills

Before you will start to play blackjack for money, you need to thoroughly master this entertainment and gain experience. Without this you will not be able to learn how to play blackjack at the casino and win. You risk losing your entire gaming bank without being able to at least partially play it back. But how to play video blackjack in casino? To do this, open online casino website and run your favorite variety of Blackjack in free mode. It opens up a huge number of advantages for the player, let's focus on three main ones:
You can fully understand how to play the card game blackjack.
Get all the necessary skills, which for a dealer means reducing his chances of winning;
The basic strategy of the game can be worked out.

You can also find some tips how to play blackjack at Immokalee casino 2019. There is a lot of useful information for beginners online.

How to play blackjack in the casino or even at home?

The rules of online and offline blackjack are the same. That's why once you've mastered this kind of entertainment in the virtual version, you can easily play it at home with your friends and family. You will even be able to cheat, which is completely unacceptable in online casinos. However, many people are still looking for how to play blackjack in Vegas casino or other online casinos. There are a lot of reasons for this, and most importantly - you can to start a party any time. If you are attracted to blackjack online, then study the rules and get the necessary experience to win in the games. First of all, find out how to play blackjack in a casino strategy and then start your practice. Over time, you can become a professional player.

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