Kerry Packer, a Billionaire, Philanthropist, and Gambler
Kerry Packer, a Billionaire, Philanthropist, and Gambler
anipych Denis Anipchenko
Famous highrollers

Descendants remember Kerry Packer, a media mogul and the wealthiest man in Australia, as a great gambler. He won and lost tremendous money amounts making colossal bets. He was welcome in top gambling clubs, but they feared him because he could bankrupt them. The article tells about the life of the legendary person.

Brian Molony: I Stole to Gamble
Brian Molony: I Stole to Gamble
anipych Denis Anipchenko
Famous highrollers

How should you play for money, so they write books and shoot movies about you with renowned actors in the lead roles? Ask Brian Molony, for whom gambling has become the meaning of his existence. He became one of the most famous gambling addicts in the world. His fateful passion ruined him. Yet, he managed to cope with the disorder and return to everyday life.

John Doc Holliday, a Wild West Legend
John Doc Holliday, a Wild West Legend
anipych Denis Anipchenko
Famous highrollers

Legendary card player and gunslinger John Doc Holliday chose a career as a dentist, graduated from University brilliantly, and began a successful practice as a dentist in his office. Then his life was radically changed by tuberculosis. Because of his illness, he could not work as a doctor and chose the path of a cardsharp, murderer, and robber, thus writing his name in the history of the Wild West.

The Ups and Downs of Nick "The Greek" Dandolos
The Ups and Downs of Nick "The Greek" Dandolos
anipych Denis Anipchenko
Famous highrollers

The biography of Nick the Greek Dandolos is full of incredible events. Researchers doubt the authenticity of some legends and myths, but this does not make the stories about the achievements of the legendary poker player any less fascinating. The article describes his remarkable victories, connections with the criminal world, and friendship with Albert Einstein.

Stu Ungar: The Rise and Fall of the Great Gambler
Stu Ungar: The Rise and Fall of the Great Gambler
anipych Denis Anipchenko
Famous highrollers

Many gifted individuals could have achieved more unless they died young. Some of them could have succeeded unless they plunged into the world of drugs. The brightest poker star, Stu Ungar, was one of those people. Gambling was the only thing he was interested in. He was a man of action and always tried to do his best. His life resembled a horse race: he won millions four times and four times slipped into poverty.

Blackjack Hall of Fame
Blackjack Hall of Fame
anipych Denis Anipchenko
Famous highrollers

Being in the Hall of Fame of blackjack is the highest level of recognition for any professional player (unless, he does not try to keep his name secret from the general public and casinos security). Today, it includes the most authoritative experts on blackjack, successful players, creators and authors of books on strategies.

Lance Humble,  from a teacher to a professional player
Lance Humble, from a teacher to a professional player
anipych Denis Anipchenko
Famous highrollers

Lance Humble had a lifestyle of many intelligent Americans. He received his higher education in psychology, taught at the university and became a professor. But then, to his own surprise, he became interested in gambling and became a professional player to create their own system of counting cards and wrote an excellent book on blackjack, which is in high demand in many countries.

Terrance Watanabe, a modern legend of Las Vegas
Terrance Watanabe, a modern legend of Las Vegas
anipych Denis Anipchenko
Famous highrollers

Within only two years of playing in the famous Las Vegas casinos Terrance Watanabe helped them to enrich by one hundred twelve million and he still owes them another fifteen . In the few years that he devoted to gambling , his wallet was relieved by two millions. Few people can boast of such "achievements" worldwide. Read more about it in the article by Casinoz.

Faud Al Zayyat,  the dream player of every casino
Faud Al Zayyat, the dream player of every casino
anipych Denis Anipchenko
Famous highrollers

Faud Al Zayyat is one of the world's best-known and least successful high rollers. This Syrian billionaire lost tens of millions of pounds in various London casinos. One night, he left more than two million in Aspinall. Interestingly, he appeared in court sometime later, where he had to explain why he did not want to repay the casino. To learn more about Faud Al Zayyat and its harmful hobby, read the article on Casinoz.

Charles Barkley, a great basketball player and gambler
Charles Barkley, a great basketball player and gambler
anipych Denis Anipchenko
Famous highrollers

Famous people often play in casinos, but usually not in public. However, there are cases when this addiction becomes public. Famous basketball player Charles Barkley lost about ten million dollars in the casino, but public knew about it only after he owed Wynn Las Vegas a large amount of money and the case went to court.

The Suitcase Man
The Suitcase Man
anipych Denis Anipchenko
Famous highrollers

In the world history of gambling, there were many big players who did not stay long in the casino. They made huge bets and went away immediately, it was in the black. But they all are pale compared to William Lee Bergstrom known as the Man with a Suitcase. He became a nightmare for Benny Binion, the owner of the Horseshoe casino. In just a few bets William won more than half a million, made another bet and lost.

Archie Karas, the great conqueror or chronic loser?
Archie Karas, the great conqueror or chronic loser?
anipych Denis Anipchenko
Famous highrollers

Archie Karas is a true legend in the gambling world. How else can we call a person who has arrived in Las Vegas with fifty dollars in his pocket, and after some time owned a forty million bankroll? He turned from almost a beggar to a fabulous player Many times, and then went same path in the opposite direction. He beat the best masters of poker and billiards. Read this article about successes and failures of this surprising Greek.

How to lose two million dollars in three minutes?
How to lose two million dollars in three minutes?
anipych Denis Anipchenko
Famous highrollers

British media tycoon Robert Maxwell can be considered the unluckiest player in casino history. He was never equaled in the ranks of gamers. However, he holds the world record for the speed playback of money. Once, Robert left two million dollars at roulette in just three minutes. Read in the article on Casinoz how it happened.

Legendary Casino Players

In any business, some people stand out from the rest. Gambling is no exception.

In any high-quality casino, some customers bet much more significant amounts than other visitors. Usually, they are called VIPs or high rollers.

Also, gambling houses attract professional players who have managed to turn a hobby into a source of relatively stable income.

Casino High Rollers

Sometimes, those who find themselves at the casino are not rich and do not know how to play well, but they have incredible luck and courage. They come with a few dollars in their pocket and leave with hundreds of thousands.

Robert de Niro in the movie Casino

This section of Casinoz is dedicated to players who somehow managed to write their names in the history of gambling.

Gambling Legends of the Past

Read about the Wild West's famous players and card shares, the first high rollers of Europe, the renowned VIP clients of the Las Vegas era, and other legendary persons of the early period of the gambling business.

Casino High Rollers in 2025

Today's gambling business also includes many famous players who have spent vast amounts of money and won stunning wins at casinos and poker clubs.

Find out who quickly lost a few million in a couple of hours and left the casino without a shadow of regret on their face. You will also read about VIP clients who can ruin a casino because large bets imply the possibility of huge payouts.

Pro Gamblers

As a particular category, we should treat masters of blackjack, poker, video poker, and other games whose hobby has become a job.

They play professionally at the casino, develop new strategies, improve well-known techniques, write books about gambling, and publish articles.

Celebrities in Casinos

Many prominent politicians, movie stars, sports legends, iconic authors, and famous showpeople visit casinos or are fond of other types of gambling. 

Particular articles in this section will tell you about celebrities who play big in 2025.

Also, read the news feed. We often publish news about celebrities in the casino.

Online casinos for high rollers are listed below.


You might ask,

Why should I read about someone winning big or losing big in a casino?

At least out of idle interest. It is interesting to know who in the world-famous people share your passion. Besides, many stories are enlightening. It's better to learn from the mistakes of others.

Frequently asked Questions

👩 Do celebrities play at casinos in 2025?

Some famous people love gambling, but they mostly try to play anonymously.

👴 Do politicians go to casinos?

Many voters find gambling a sin or addiction. That is why most politicians do not attend casinos. 

🙋 Were there famous gamblers in the history of casinos?

Of course! Some gamblers of the past are absolute legends. Read about their deeds on Casinoz.