
Best Blackjack Strategies to Win 2025

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Red 7 Count System
Red 7 Count System
anipych Denis Anipchenko

If you know the basic strategy for blackjack and want to achieve the best results, you must master a card counting system. There are dozens of them, but users can start with the simplest ones. One of them is the Red 7 Count. It is straightforward to learn. The article deals with the main features of this method and provides various helpful tips on its use.

How to Play Your Hands Against a Dealer's Ace Upcard
How to Play Your Hands Against a Dealer's Ace Upcard
anipych Denis Anipchenko

A face-up dealer's ace in blackjack is an unpleasant situation for experienced or novice players. However, professionals differ from beginners in confidence in all activities based on the knowledge of odds and basic strategy. This article will help the readers of Casinoz understand how to act when the dealer has an ace.

What to Do with a Player's 12 against a Dealer's 2
What to Do with a Player's 12 against a Dealer's 2
anipych Denis Anipchenko

Readers of Casinoz who are interested in blackjack probably know that it is always necessary to follow the recommendations of basic strategy when playing this game. However, some tips in such tables can confuse novice users. For instance, many beginners believe it is unnecessary to hit on a 12 against a dealer's 2. In this article, we will explain why it is best to hit.

Card Counting Efficiency in Spanish 21
Card Counting Efficiency in Spanish 21
anipych Denis Anipchenko

Spanish 21 is a version of blackjack that is quite popular in some countries. Sometimes, they call it Spanish blackjack. The game rules have several peculiar features making the gameplay pretty exciting. Advantage players try counting cards in Spanish 21. Is it efficient? The article answers the question.

Blackjack Basic Strategy for Beginners
Blackjack Basic Strategy for Beginners
anipych Denis Anipchenko

There are many detailed descriptions of the blackjack basic strategy, but many users don't have the desire to study numerous tables full of strange abbreviations. If you want to beat the casino, you must master this technique and learn some other methods. Casinoz will help you to become a blackjack professional.

High-Low Card Counting System
High-Low Card Counting System
anipych Denis Anipchenko

This article familiarizes users with the most common card blackjack counting system called High-Low. The inventor of the High-Low card counting technique is Harvey Dubner. However, Stanford Wong made a significant contribution to its development. It is the simplest of all the existing methods.

Surrender in Blackjack
Surrender in Blackjack
anipych Denis Anipchenko

Blackjack is one of the most ancient casino games, but it has not lost popularity even though the gambling market provides various games of chance. In this game, the house edge is one of the lowest, making blackjack popular.

Blackjack Strategy

Blackjack is one of the most mysterious games of chance. It attracts and frightens newcomers at the same time. Most casino visitors have heard about the basic strategy, card counting, shuffle tracking, and other tricks of professional players. Still, only a few know what we are talking about.

Blackjack is associated with numerous legends, myths, speculations, and nonsense. Romantic fleur around it is strengthened in the minds of ordinary people thanks to filmmakers, writers, and journalists who do not have an idea about the essence of the game.

They write stupid and superficial articles about blackjack, present card counters as math genii, and write platitudes about the casino in the novels. As a result, regular fans of gambling have a misconception about it. They think only a select few can win blackjack and prefer easy but less profitable games.

Blackjack basic rules and strategies

This section of Casinoz is designed for those who want to learn how to play blackjack right, making the most of the currently existing effective techniques. We will teach you the fundamentals of the basic strategy, tell you about its variations, explain the card-counting process, and introduce you to other professional methods.

Advantages of Blackjack

Before we begin to discuss the strategy of blackjack, we should answer the question that many casino customers ask:

Why play blackjack?

Why indeed. It's a pretty complicated game. To achieve maximum results, you must acquire impressive theoretical knowledge and learn how to apply it in practice. It is also necessary to develop many additional skills related to psychological stability, financial management, and other aspects.\

Isn't it easier to play video slots or roulette?

Yes, it is more comfortable. But playing on slot machines, you can't beat the casino. You will never get rid of the house edge in video slots. And in most of them, it is at least 3%.

In blackjack, you can reduce the house edge to a few tenths of a percent, playing only on the basic strategy. Additional professional tricks allow you to win.

You should agree that you should learn a little for a positive result.

Where Can You Play Blackjack Online?

Casinoz recommends the following reliable online casinos with blackjack games from famous software providers.

What to Expect from BJ Strategy

There are many biases, legends, and misconceptions surrounding blackjack. Let's clarify a few contentious issues.

  • Blackjack is one of the most profitable casino games, but not all varieties are equally attractive to the client.
  • Blackjack does not require you to have an analytical mind or a deep knowledge of math (although it may help).
  • Neither the basic strategy, card counting, nor any other technique guarantees a win in each session.
  • Playing blackjack professionally, using experts' developments, is possible only in land-based casinos.
  • You cannot count cards playing blackjack online based on the random number generator.
  • Online casinos with live dealers usually eliminate the possibility of effective card counting in blackjack.
  • Playing by optimal strategy, card counting, and most other techniques are not law violations, although casino operators do not approve them and often expel counters.

And finally:

Playing blackjack professionally is not an entertainment but a monotonous and rather boring activity.

It almost eliminates the creativity on your part but requires a lot of time and an impressive cash reserve. But that doesn't mean you should give blackjack up.

If you learn how to choose the most profitable varieties of the game and just play blackjack by the optimal strategy, you will minimize the house edge or even get superiority.

So go ahead, and our experts will help you!

Key Varieties of Blackjack in 2025

Blackjack is presented in numerous versions at online and land-based casinos. They can be divided into two main categories:

  1. European blackjack: The dealer initially deals one card to himself, face up. He takes additional cards after all customers have made decisions.
  2. American blackjack: The dealer puts two cards before him but opens only one immediately. He can check for blackjack if it's a ten or an ace.

Of course, both groups include dozens (or even hundreds) of games that differ in the nuances of the rules: the number of boxes, the features of doubles and splits, the presence of the surrender, and so on. They should be studied on a case-by-case basis.

Each item of the blackjack rules affects the size of the house edge.

For example, a blackjack game with one deck brings the house edge down by 0.48% than a game with the same rules but eight decks.

Professional blackjack players consider all the details when choosing a game and adjusting to the basic strategy to achieve the maximum return.

The Best Blackjack Games in 2025

Here are several excellent online blackjack games. You can try them for free.

Basic Blackjack Strategy

The so-called blackjack basic strategy is traditionally presented as a table. They are generally designed in a single format.

Blackjack strategies

The column on the left contains the possible combinations of the player. "Hard" hands, aces, and pairs stay aside as they require different decisions in many situations.

The top line shows the dealer's cards, which he shows at the beginning of the deal.

The remaining cells are filled with actions the player should take in each situation: take a card, complete a set, do a split, and so on. For example, you must hit if you have 5 and the dealer has 10.

It is essential to understand the following:

The basic strategy does not guarantee a win at every hand. Moreover, it doesn't mean you are going to win every single game session.

Why do we need a basic strategy?

It minimizes the house edge and sometimes provides an advantage to the client.

The basic strategy recommends actions that promise the best chance of winning in each possible situation. Accordingly, you should not rely on intuition or luck; it is better to trust the math.

Optimal Blackjack Strategy

Casinos offer numerous variations of blackjack. The same version may have different rules for splits, doubles, and other gameplay aspects. There can also be special rules and bonuses.

Charlie rule

The player with a certain number of cards in one hand without busting wins anyway

Side bets

Players can make extra bets to try hitting progressive jackpots or prize payouts.

Bonus payouts

There are extra payouts for certain card combinations.

Card exchanges

The game offers an opportunity to exchange cards between two hands.

Considering all the nuances, you must alternate the basic strategy to minimize the house edge.

A strategy, adapted to a certain kind of blackjack, is called the optimal strategy.

Don't worry; you won't have to do the calculations yourself. Ready-made strategy tables are available for the most popular types of blackjack.

Also, free software that gives the best strategy for the specified parameters is available. You only need to clarify which rules apply in the blackjack you are interested in. You get a table with clear instructions on how to play in all theoretically possible situations.

Professional blackjack players also consider additional factors, as described in the thematic articles at Casinoz.

blackjack basic strategy

How to Learn the Basic Blackjack Strategy

The learning process should combine theoretical and practical parts. We recommend the following algorithm:

  • Thoroughly study the rules of the game of blackjack.
  • Take a traditional variety of European or American blackjack as a basis.
  • Learn to read the basic strategy table.
  • Understand why specific actions are recommended in each situation.
  • Find out how different rules affect the RTP.
  • Practice playing the blackjack strategy for free until you start making decisions automatically.
  • Learn to adjust the basic strategy with specific nuances of the rules.
  • Learn additional professional methods and techniques.

Start playing blackjack for money with minimum bets. You have to get used to knowing real money is at stake. Many beginners make mistakes in the transition phase or merely lose their temper.

Remember that online casinos may offer different T&Cs for the games with the same name. If two manufacturers name their models European Blackjack, it does not mean they have the same rules. Learn to find the best versions.

Online or Offline Blackjack in 2025?

Let's deal with another critical issue:

Where is it better to play blackjack: at online or land-based casinos?

There is no correct answer to this question. You have to make your own choice, considering the advantages and disadvantages.

Only at a land-based casino can you use the entire arsenal of professional blackjack players: card counting, sequencing, shuffle tracking, etc.

Online casinos reliably protect themselves from counters but often offer blackjack with more favorable rules. Moreover, they provide customers with bonuses, arrange prize draws, accrue comp points, and delight players with other promotions. Playing blackjack at an online casino means you will not spend money on traveling, accommodation, parking, food, and drinks.

If you are going to devote your life to professional blackjack, your choice is big land-based casinos. For the rest of the readers we recommend the most profitable types of blackjack at online casinos.

However, it's up to you.

Reviews of Blackjack Strategies on Casinoz

This section of the site offers something but the strategy tables for different types of blackjack.

You will also find educational articles that deal with game situations, professional players' tricks, advanced techniques, mathematical chances, and other vital issues.

We discuss popular systems of card counting that allow you to gain a math advantage over the casino in 2025.

This information will interest curious readers seeking to improve their game level.


Blackjack is a beautiful game of chance in every respect. It is interesting, exciting, and profitable.

Even if you stop at the basic strategy without learning more complex techniques, you will already be in more favorable conditions than most online casino customers.

When playing blackjack correctly, you do not allow the gambling operator to make money from you quickly. Moreover, you pose a real threat to them.

Aren't you attracted to this?

Frequently asked Questions

💮 Is blackjack suitable for professional gambling?

Blackjack is probably the best game for advantage players. The best varieties of the game offer high RTPs. If you master basic strategy and card counting, you can beat brick-and-mortar casinos playing blackjack. 

💲 Does blackjack basic strategy guarantee winning?

No, it does not. The basic strategy just helps players get the maximum RTP possible. 

📘 Should I learn to count cards in blackjack?

If you are going to play blackjack at land-based casinos, you should master card counting. It will help you beat the house. If you play online blackjack, this technique will not be useful (with rare exceptions). 

🍬 Is it difficult to play blackjack by the basic strategy?

In fact, if you play at online casinos, you do not have to know the basic strategy by heart. You can have a table in front of you and peek into it every time you need. 

🔢 What are RTPs in various blackjacks?

In some casinos, there are blackjacks with RTPs over 100%, but they are rare, of course. In most clubs, you will find a blackjack with an RTP over 99%.