
Why online gambling is more dangerous than casino gambling

  • Author of article: vitalij
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  • 9 min.

Online casino is a specialized site for gambling online (roulette, card games, dice, slot machines, instant lotteries, etc.), where you can win some money with a mandatory element of probability. And if in the real casino there is croupier (the casino employee who leads the game), then in the online casino his functions are essentially performed by the software. Although in some online casinos there is an opportunity to play online (video mode) with a real dealer. If you have heard some stories about video gambling addiction then take a note, that only 2% of all online casino players have this problem. Actually, internet gambling addiction is a serious problem, but it happens very seldom.

In terms of the possibility internet casino gambling (or games presented there) can be divided into two classes:

  • The game takes place directly in the browser, on the site of the Internet casino.
  • Games are downloaded from the site to the user's computer and run directly on his computer with the ability to exchange information with the site of the online casino.

Why online gambling is more dangerous than casino gambling: History of online casinos

Many people mistakenly believe that the first Internet casinos appeared almost immediately after the spread of the Internet at all. But this is not the case. The fact is that the algorithms for obtaining random numbers were known even before the Internet. And even before the first computers appeared. And, it would seem, nothing prevented us from starting to integrate algorithms into the Internet and open the first online casinos. Technically, yes, everything was feasible.
But there was one problem - the law. If the beginning of the global spread of the Internet is considered to be in 1991, when the global network became publicly available, the beginning of the emergence of online casinos can be considered 1994, when the tiny state of Antigua and Barbuda began licensing online games and opened the first online casino in the same year. Then people stopped to think why gambling is bad and started to think how to use new opportunity. Anyway, you nowadays you can get professional online gambling addiction help if needed, and there are not so many real cases of addiction.
Then were opened some other online casinos, but the explosive growth of popularity of online casinos did not occur. People were not immediately accustomed to such an opportunity and not immediately began to trust the gambling houses in the network. Some of them also were in fear of online gambling addiction. But the undeniable advantages of online casinos did their job and over time, the trust in online casinos has grown, as a consequence, the income of the organizers of online gambling sphere increased, which allowed to improve service and expand the line of gambling. But a lot of people try to find an answer why online gambling is more dangerous than casino gambling. Let's talk about some disadvantages of online casinos.

Differences between online casinos and conventional casinos

  • The first difference, of course, can be seen from the name and discussion does not require. Some people try to find out why is gambling so addictive, when professional gamblers can just make many in online mode.
  • The second difference - in online casinos is always used some specific software. We do not take cases where the user has the opportunity to play online roulette with live dealer - in this case, the online casino is only like a real gaming house.
  • The third difference - in online casinos, as a rule, it is possible to play for free, for some virtual money. So if you know about dangers of gambling then you can start with some free spins. But online gambling casino to lure customers uses free game. Of course, the winnings will be completely virtual and cash out is impossible, you can only spend it on some other free games. In this case you will not worry about how addictive is gambling, cause there is no risk to lose money.

The dangers of gambling on the internet

  1. You can't get the winnings from an online casino right away. Withdrawal of funds will take some time. It doesn’t mean that online gambling is bad, you just need to wait some time to get your money.
  2. You can not be 100% sure that the online casino game is absolutely honest. And although in many online casinos there is already such a concept as honesty control, again, you can not be absolutely sure that it is really serious control.
  3. Since data transmission, including personal data and bank cards, goes through the Internet channel, there is the risk of capture of these data by intruders. Of course, the real online casinos put a lot of effort to provide the maximum level of protection of players and their data, but again, 100% security can not guarantee anyone.
    1. The risk to get casino gambling addiction. You may have a question why are slot machines so addictive in online casino. You can find some gambling problem articles in the internet to make sure, that there only a few real cases, when addiction was proved.

    Online gambling vs casino

      1. You can start playing online casinos as soon as you sit at your computer with Internet access. Actually it's one of the most dangers of online gambling cause player can get an access any time.
      2. You are not required to follow the dress code, which is available in all real casinos.
      3. The variety of games of online gaming casino is not inferior to the number of games offered in real casinos.
      4. Initial bets in online casinos are usually lower than in real casinos. In some online casinos you can find a minimum rate of 1 cent! So money is not one of online gambling problems.
      5. The percentage of payments in virtual casinos is almost always higher than the percentage of payments in real casinos.
      6. Many online casinos after registering a newcomer deposit as a bonus to the player's account a certain amount of money that can be used in the real game and in case of winning he can cash out this amount.
      7. In general, bonuses of various kinds - this is a feature of online casinos. Of course, in real casinos you can often find free drinks, but this is probably the only bonus there.
      8. Jackpots in famous gambling online casino can surpass the jackpots in real casinos. This is especially true for those online casinos that use a single software and the jackpot accumulates from losing players throughout such a unified system.
      9. You can use your online casino strategy, such as roulette strategy even in bad online casinos. There are always some online gambling risks, but you can control them with the right strategy.

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