
For casino staff: the blogs of readers


Blogs for Casino Employees

Many readers of the Casinoz portal are somehow involved in the gambling business. Among them are former and current dealers, pit bosses and managers of offline casinos, employees of poker rooms and bookmakers, lottery organizers, representatives of senior management, operators of online casinos, and even owners of institutions.

Thematic articles aimed at this audience are published in a special section of the site. This page presents the author's blogs, also designed for professionals.

Who writes blogs for the representatives of the sphere of gambling?

Let's highlight the main categories of blog authors:

  • Current employees of real gambling clubs are dealers, pit bosses, managers, cashiers, video surveillance officers, and so on.
  • People with experience in the casino have held some of the above positions before, but are now employed in other industries. Nevertheless, they have not lost interest in the topic and are happy to discuss various issues related to it.
  • Representatives of Internet operators – we are talking about employees of companies that own online casinos. As a rule, these are customer service managers.
  • Affiliates are entrepreneurs who earn money by attracting new customers to gambling establishments.
  • Gambling experts – we mean the staff authors of Casinoz and people from the outside who are well versed in this topic.
  • Curious users – Many readers are interested in everything related to the world of gambling. Some of them start blogs to communicate with professionals.

Also, posts on this page can be published by representatives of other social groups.

What topics are covered in blogs for casino employees?

The list of issues covered in the diaries of representatives of the gambling industry is very wide. Note the key areas:

  • Real stories about casino life – Experienced croupiers with extensive experience are ready to talk for hours about real events, witnesses, or participants of which they were.
  • Pros and cons of the profession – What is the job of a croupier? What are its strengths and weaknesses?
  • Professional advice for beginners – what do people who want to start a career in gambling need to know?
  • Features of work in different countries – what do dealers face in Russia, the USA, Macau, and other countries?
  • Legal issues of gambling – how to open an online casino? What do you need to become the owner of an offline gambling establishment?
  • Financial aspects – are all casinos profitable? How to increase income? Because of what institutions burn down?

Sometimes the authors of blogs about the gambling business surprise even the experts of the portal with the choice of an unexpected topic.

Who can start a blog about gambling?

In theory, any registered Casinoz visitor can open their blog to share with the world their views on various gambling issues. But remember:

Publications in this section are read by people who are professionally versed in the field of gambling.
They can be critical of amateurs who make questionable judgments.

In addition, for most of the regular guests of this category gambling is a job. They are not players, but employees of gambling establishments. Accordingly, their views on many issues do not coincide with the positions of clients, because there is a conflict of interest.

Therefore, we recommend starting a blog for casino employees only if you are confident in your knowledge and skills.


Although the information in this section will be interesting, first of all, to representatives of the gambling industry, it is also informative for all fans of gambling entertainment.

If you play for money, you better know how people on the other side of the table perceive this process. Believe us, you will learn from them a lot of interesting and useful.

Read the blogs of croupiers, blogs of gambling operators, and notes of other representatives of the industry. Comment on their publications, rate, and share life experiences in your articles.