
Seven Deadly Gambling Sins

whiskey, cigar, and cards

It is normal to lose at casinos. Many people get upset by this phrase, but it is right, whatever sellers of betting systems, gambling software, and books about casino "secrets" might say. Frequent failures are an integral part of even professional players, not those who play for fun.

Only a few players can make profits in the long run. Most casino visitors sooner or later lose some part of their bankroll. It is especially true for those who play roulette, slots, and other casino games with high levels of the house edge.

While some players lose large sums, others enjoy playing at casinos and lose no more than a couple of percent of their bankrolls.

Losers are unsuccessful because they have become slaves of very bad habits that we call gaming sins.

You can not rely on good results in casino games without getting rid of even one of them. Let's look at them in detail.

Drinking Alcoholic Beverages

To enjoy a drink, go outside of the casino.

Forget the ridiculous saying about casino luck for drunks and beginners.

Of course, sometimes, even individuals who can not remember their name or barely sit on a chair win, but there are no proven patterns. Either Alcohol or gambling - never mix them.

Relying on Intuition

Intuition in the casino must play a secondary role. It should not be relied upon even in games where you can not affect the results, like slots or roulette.

You should always adhere to the scheduled plan or basic strategy if available for the game. 

Intuition leads to bankruptcy on the shortest road if it contradicts mathematics and common sense.

seven deadly sins of casino players

Making High Bets

Professional blackjack players go to the casino with a bankroll for several hundred bets. In other words, if a card counter starts at five dollars, he will not play without a bankroll of several thousand dollars.

Have you ever bet a hundred dollars when you had a thousand in your bankroll? It was a significant risk. You hoped to hit the jackpot. Such a strategy usually leads to bankruptcy. 

Trying to Win Back at Any Cost

Before visiting the casino, you must always determine the amount you can afford to lose. You can not exceed it—the desire to recoup means violating this rule. If you do so - you will lose more and more often.

Bring no more money than you need. Never borrow. And leave with a win.

Playing Unfamiliar Games for Money

Many casino visitors (usually those who play online) learn new games on bets for money. It is a gross error. All good online places allow you to play in the training mode. Do not neglect this opportunity.

Problem Gambling

Casinoz sincerely convinces us that gambling addiction has too much noise. The percentage of people suffering from it is tiny. However, this does not mean that it does not exist.

  1. Learn to stop!
  2. Do not play if you feel tired!
  3. Do not make gambling the main hobby!
  4. Do not look at it as an escape from problems and depression!

You should stop for a while at the slightest sign of gambling addiction!

Playing in Unreliable Clubs

Visiting a casino, you have to be sure of its integrity. What is good in winning if you can not get the money? Succeeding where you cheat is almost impossible.

Select new casinos very carefully. Read reviews, learn the rules and approval documents, and ask for support. Collect as much information as possible before you make your first deposit.


We hope that these tips will help you to play successfully. And do not think that some of them do not apply to you.

  • Do you think that a glass of beer will not hurt? Get ready to lose your money.
  • Do you think that sitting for two days in a casino is nonsense? You will be welcome in any casino.
  • Do you think that intuition will not disappoint you? It is attributable to the owners of the casino.

Do not fall for the bait!

Frequently asked Questions

🍾 May I drink alcoholic beverages at casinos?

Of course, you may, but you shouldn't. Most casinos will be glad to offer you free alcohol. Do not drink it! Drunk people are prone to make silly mistakes. 

⌚ How often should I play at casinos?

Nobody will tell you how often you may gamble. It is up to you to decide. Please, remember that gambling should not hurt your family, healthy, or job. Do not go to casinos too often. It is dangerous. 

😭 Can I become a problem gambler if I play at casinos from time to time?

Every casino visitor can become a gambling addict. Even experienced players sometimes have this problem. 

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