
A Conversation with a Professional Roulette Player

casino client at roulette table

This article focuses on a casual conversation with a person who considers himself a professional roulette player. If you read various publications on Casinoz dedicated to this game of chance, you know that we do not consider it appropriate to make money on it. It is even more interesting to know about the one who managed to make roulette a relatively stable source of income.

We decided not to post the article in an interview format because the conversation was long and touched on different topics unrelated to the casino. We warn that it will be an offline roulette as our interviewer Alexander is not interested in the online version.

The Story of the Roulette Player

If you watch him in the casino hall, you get the impression that the gameplay does not evoke the slightest emotion in him.

  • He patiently looks at other customers playing roulette and occasionally bets a few chips.
  • He can bet large or small chips.
  • He can play on the chances or sectors.
  • Sometimes, he even leaves the table and seems uninterested in the game.

Isn't this surprising because of so many unpredictable actions? The main difference is that he almost always leaves the casino winning (the author was a member of a casino visited by Alexander and had access to statistics on the balance of customers).

Of course, we asked him to share the secret of success (the conversation took place after the force of the ban on casino operations, so it was possible to talk about many things that previously would never have been discussed by people who used to be "on opposite sides.") Alexander described his secret with a phrase:

I do not play against a roulett. A play against the dealer.

Here you can have doubts. As it is known, theoretically, the dealer does not affect the outcome of a spin. He just starts a ball that falls into one of the cells. Since the ball's path makes a few dozen turns, then stumbles upon special obstacles, and finally jumps on the ledges, it is unlikely that a dealer can do something for predetermined results. Moreover, even if the dealer can throw the ball at least approximately desired sector wheel, he will not talk about it to the client.

Alexander listened to all the arguments, agreed with them, and added that many dealers throw a ball on a given system without knowing it. According to him, both experienced and new dealers are often very predictable. You only need to monitor their work and draw appropriate conclusions closely. And if you can not "see through" the dealer, it pauses the game.

Of course, all the details of his method were not disclosed. He also did not want to share the information and point out mistakes of our mutual friends among dealers. Maybe even casinos will return, and we still have to meet at the roulette table.

Regarding whether his success resulted from the poor preparation of our dealers, he replied that he played in many casinos, and the result was always about the same.

According to him, neither the dealer can control the end of the ball shot technique, although it is not always possible to find a weak spot.

How to relate to this story? It is possible that the main character just had long enough luck, and he believes in himself (we also had a chance to see such clients). But in those few months, we watched him, he remained a significant plus. At the same time, he had big wins but no significant losses.

Should You Follow His Example?

I do not think so. Especially in the current situation, when getting into a decent offline casino in some regions is impossible for well-known reasons.

We are interested in your opinion about the clients who consider themselves professional roulette players.

If you prefer online roulette, here are several games.

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