What to do with sixteen in blackjack?

how to play blackjack correctly

Usually blackjack player does not often enjoy sixteen points in the cards. Well even if they are formed from two eights, and the dealer's open card is of low esteem. In this situation, many hopefully make a split in two. Also good if you have a "soft" sixteen and the dealer has a small card. But what if you have, for example, ten versus six and nine of the dealer?

Let's look at all basic situations with sixteen points of the player, so that you can understand how to play in each of them.

"Hard" sixteen

First we will discuss the "hard" sixteen when you have no ace in your hand, or it can be considered only as a unit. For example, 9-6-Ace, 10-6 or 8-5-3. In such cases, the basic strategy recommends staying, if the dealer has cards from two to six, and take another if from the seven to ace.

Following this advice, you will not get a mathematical advantage over the casino, but on a long interval you will be less lose. For you to better understand what is at stake, let's look at a specific example: the dealer has seven, and you have twelve with six. If you stop, you will lose with the probability of 74%, if you continue playing, the chances of losing decrease to 70%.

Thus, by taking the card, you reduce the casino advantage by 4%. And this is a lot in blackjack. Therefore, at the "hard" seven in sixteen and more, the dealer must take a card. Yes, more than three out of five make you to sort, but this tactic helps you to play more effectively as a whole.

Surrender in sixteen

If you play blackjack, which rules provide the possibility of refusing to continue the game for the part-time (surrender), you should accept surrender at your sixteen and nine, ten or ace of the dealer. Many customers do not like to do it, but their desire to always play till the end can not be reasonable.

For example, if you have sixteen and the dealer has ten, the chances of your winning are a little above 23%. In this case, surrender is beneficial to you if your chances of winning are less than 25%. Roughly speaking, a hundred dispensing at a rate of one dollar would mean a loss of $50. If you continue to play in a hundred such situations, your theoretical loss would be $54 ($77 minus $23 loss-win). Now you see why surrender is profitable?

"Soft" sixteen

"Soft" sixteen points may be formed of two or more cards like Ace-5, Ace-2-3, Ace-Ace-2-2 and so on. In such hands, you should never stop and go for the more. The correct solution would be a double with an open four, five or six of the dealer or even taking any other card.

Sixteen of the pair of eights

If you have a pair of eights, always do split. It is not important is the dealer is open. Of course, thus you will double the losing streak, but on a long stretch this approach is justified. If you always split, you will lose less money than with other decisions on two eights. Moreover, splitting eights at ten of the dealer is even more profitable for you than surrender.


You should learn how to correctly play with sixteen points in any variations. Such situation may happen very often, and the overall outcome of the game will largely depend on what the decisions you make.

Finally, remember the simple rule that every fan should know about blackjack: playing less in unfavorable situations, is not as important as winning more often, when the advantage is on your side. That is why it is so important to always follow the optimal strategy.

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