
Why to Hit on Soft 17 in Blackjack

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In various Casinoz articles, we said you should follow the basic strategy to achieve the best results in blackjack. However, not all players do it, not realizing its meaning, so they try to understand all nuances of the game to act consciously rather than mechanically. Specifically for blackjack fans, we analyze in detail various aspects of blackjack.

This article will discuss the player's seventeen points with one or more aces. As you might know, such a hand is called the "soft" seventeen.

The basic strategy recommends players to hit on "soft 17" in any situation. In some cases, it is necessary to double down).

Still, not all of them do it, assuming the probability of winning is higher if they do not take any more cards on this box. Let's use statistical data to understand why you should not dwell on the "soft" seventeen.

Dealing with Soft 17 in Blackjack

Seventeen points is a pretty weak card. You can easily understand it if you study the table with the probability of the dealer's points, regardless of his face-up card.

  • Blackjack - 4.82%
  • 21 points (three or more cards) - 7.36%
  • 20 points - 17.58%
  • 19 points - 13.48%
  • 18 points - 13.81%
  • 17 points - 14.58%
  • Bust - 28.37%

After analyzing this table, we can conclude that a player who always stands on seventeen will win slightly more often than once in four rounds (28.37% in the hands when the dealer enumerates). Even if we add 14.58% of the cases when the dealer also has seventeen, a player still will lose more often. Standing with "hard" and "soft" seventeen increases the house edge several times.

Some Blackjack Odds

Of course, hitting on the "hard" seventeen is pointless. Using simple calculations, you can find out that in this case, only four cards (Ace, two, three, or four) can increase the player's points, and the remaining nine cards (from five to king) will lead to busting. This means that the odds of busting after hitting a card to the "hard" seventeen are nearly seventy percent, and making the hand stronger is only thirty percent.

The case of "soft" seventeen points is not so definite. An ace can give the player one or eleven points. Thus, tens, jacks, queens, and kings are not dangerous because if they come, the player will remain with the same seventeen points. In other words, the odds do not worsen or improve the situation with other cards on "soft" seventeen from eight of the thirteen (about 61.5%).

The remaining 38.5% are when the player hits on "soft" seventeen and gets a card of twelve to sixteen points. If the player stands, the chances of winning are the same as with seventeen points because he still hopes for too much from the dealer. Even if the basic strategy requires the player to continue after getting these cards, he still has an excellent chance to strengthen his hand.

More Blackjack Odds

The table below displays the chances of getting different points if you hit on "soft" seventeen, using the basic strategy.

  • 17 points - 34.2%
  • 18 points - 11.4%
  • 19 points - 11.1%
  • 20 points - 11.1%
  • 21 points - 11.1%
  • Bust - 21.1%

Remember these numbers.


It turns out that a player who decides to continue hitting might bust (21.1%), but the chance to improve the hand is much higher (44.7%).

As you can see, the basic strategy recommends hitting on "soft 17" because mathematical calculations show that this tactic is beneficial for a player.

Frequently asked Questions

❓ What are soft hands in blackjack?

Soft hands are those including one or several aces. For example, an A-7-2 set of cards is a soft hand with a value of 10 or 20, as an ace gives 1 or 11 points. 

🧐 What should I do with soft 17 in blackjack?

The basic strategy recommends hitting on soft seventeen.

🃏 What does the blackjack dealer do on soft 17?

It depends on the rules of the blackjack. In some versions, the dealer hits, and in others, he stands. 

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